Recent Blog Posts
Your Fourth Pillar ~ Mindfulness and Mindset
Your Fourth Pillar ~ Mindfulness and Mindset "Mindfulness is how a Mindset works." Trying to have a better mindset without having the mindfulness to be aware [...]
Your Third Pillar ~ Physical Fitness
Your Third Pillar ~ Physical Fitness Your ability to completely restore a healthy metabolism and your capacity to repair every tissue in your body is limited [...]
Your Second Pillar ~ Metabolic Adaptability
Your Second Pillar ~ Metabolic Adaptability Most people who have a lot of stress and eat a diet high in processed food, inevitably develop metabolic issues. [...]
Autoimmunity – Early Warning Signs Questionnaire
Immune System Problems Can Start Before Birth Listening to the Warning Signs I have interviewed approximately 4,000 Autoimmune patients and taken comprehensive medical histories of most [...]
The Six Pillars of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol – One
Every Journey Begins with a Single Step... When you are on a journey to resolve a complex, multi-system, and chronic illness, how to get the most [...]
Rest, Recovery, and the Importance of Winter
Phase One of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol is rooted in giving your self, your body’s many tissues, your metabolism and your immune system a chance to settle [...]
CBD and Autoimmune Disease
An Ancient Medicine for a Modern Health Crisis The symptoms of most Autoimmune conditions can be life-changing. Most allopathic treatments are focused on [...]
Why I Always Recommend Bone Broth
‘Old News Can Be good News’ Bone Broth may be old news for some, but I thought there may be some people out [...]
Start Here – What Can You Eat?
Getting Started on the Ancestral AIP Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods that are 'Ancestry Approved' "Historically, humans ate plenty of plant foods if they could, [...]
Phase One of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol (A-AIP)
Rest Your Mind and Body Allow Your Immune System to Recover Phase One of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol focuses on resting your Body, Mind, and [...]
The Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol (A-AIP)
The AIP Plus Focus and Freedom If any chronic illness has been a part of your life please take the time [...]
The Standard Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)
Simple Answers Can Feel Very Difficult! The Evolution of the Autoimmune Protocol I was first diagnosed in the 1990s, and back then there was very little [...]