The Six Pillars of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol – One

The Six Pillars of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol – One

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step…

When you are on a journey to resolve a complex, multi-system, and chronic illness, how to get the most out of each aspect of your lifestyle matters a great deal.

This series of articles is going to introduce six common sense aspects of day-to-day life that can be combined to encourage more rapid and consistent results.

These Six Pillars are the foundation of each of the Four Phases of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol.

The Four Phases are:

The Six Pillars are:

Your First Pillar ~ Good Food and Nutrition

Good food is essential because it reminds us that it is worth the time and energy to stay on top of all of the shopping and cooking.

For me, good food means that I can’t wait to shop for some fresh ingredients, get home, make a delicious and nutritious meal. And then enjoy every bite. Even more importantly, if I am doing some batch cooking, I want it to be enjoyable for several meals or days in a row.

I think we all want to know that we are actually solving any concerns we may have with our health. But more importantly, we all want to be happy that we can also eat some really good, familiar, and easy to prepare food.

I’m lucky. I live in a small town with a lot of healthy restaurants, so it is not hard to find good food when I go out.

Depending on where you live, it might take some exploration and experimentation to find really good food when eating out. Sometimes you need to get picky with the restaurant staff about what is in the salad dressing and what oils they cook with.

Becoming ‘one of those people’ who have specific food requirements is a part of the dance of resolving an autoimmune condition.  It may feel awkward, but it is absolutely worth the inconvenience or embarrassment.

Good food is a relationship, and a good relationship needs a date night.

It really depends on what you bring to the date. If you are full of passion and curiosity and playfulness, it is going to be a good date. If you’re there with a bunch of math, it will be that kind of a date – which feels more like a meeting trying to control the bottom line.

I encourage you to make this relationship about really good food, not just good math. I have done all of the math and will explain it in detail in future articles.

For now, focus on imagining all of the amazing date nights and delicious meals you will create for yourself and those along for the adventure.

Nutrition ~ Four Phases at a Glance

The Six Pillars of the Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol

If you have not read the articles on the Six Phases, 

they may have some important answers, perspective, and guidance.

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