Spring Cleanse – 2024 – Talk Three

Spring Cleanse – 2024 – Talk Three

Cleanse, Rest, and Play

This week it is important to slow down and get a sense of longer-term momentum. 

If you were not able to participate in this week’s LIVE experience, please watch the video.

If you want to watch it on Vimeo and/or download it Click this link.

How were the results for your Step Five questionnaires?

I know it is a lot of questionnaires, but these will give you a sense of your deeper metabolic function and your most essential Adaptive Resources.

I encourage you to continue eating your preferred healthy and Nutrient Dense diet, drinking water in the morning, and hanging out with the sun.

If you want to schedule your consultation soon, please let me know.

Please fill out your Questionnaires for Step Six – your Digestive System for next week.

If you have any questions, please send them my way.


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