Spring Cleanse – 2024 – Talk One

Spring Cleanse – 2024 – Talk One

Start with the Do’s, then work on the Don’ts

Welcome to Intentional Living and Self Care – YUMMY!

If you were not able to participate in the LIVE experience, please watch the video.

Here is the Tissue Healing Jello

Here is the article about drinking water in the morning

Here is the link to the ‘What can I eat list.’

A Comprehensive Shopping List

What happens next depends on your personal intention and your health needs.

There are FOUR diets to choose from. If you want a quick review, click the link below.

The Four Healthiest Diets on Earth

Make your personal List of Adaptive Resources and Erosive Influences.

Then focus on the Do’s – when you are ready, remove the Don’ts.

If you do not have time to read the first chapter or the 10 Steps book, go to the end and look at the list in the Table of Contents.

This is meant to be a fun, informative, and personal exploration of what feels good and what does not.


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